I have had the pleasure of working closely and personally with Rick Crandall in the context of two startup companies.
At Giga Information group, I was a co-founder of the company, Chief Research Officer, and Chief Technology Officer; Rick served as an executive advisor to the company and a board member. Rick worked closely with the senior management team, with a hugely constructive impact. He worked equally closely with the software development team defining and executing “GigaWeb”, Giga’s strategic platform for service delivery over the Web. Rick was truly “hands on” with GigaWeb, and developed trusting and effective relationships with the developers. He provided leadership ranging from conceptual product design to the smallest nuances in the user interface.
After Giga, Rick was involved with me from the beginning in helping create a new company, Tacit Knowledge Systems. Tacit is a rapid growth, venture backed enterprise and Internet software company in Silicon Valley. Rick serves as an advisor to Tacit and as a board member.
It is rare indeed to find someone whose contribution, understanding and insight is effective over as exceptional a range as Rick’s. He is gifted as a CEO, board member, consultant, strategist, and designer of products. Moreover, Rick understands entrepreneurs because, of course, he is one himself. Rick understands how to conceive and create successful companies.
I strongly urge anyone fortunate enough to enjoy access to Rick’s counsel to seize the opportunity — immediately, and without hesitation.
David Gilmour
Founder, President and CEO
Tacit Knowledge Systems